Developmental Milestones for Children in Fridley, MN

Every day, your child is growing and learning more about the world. Even in their first few months, they’re working hard to gain the developmental skills that will set them up for success in all areas of life. That’s why it’s important for parents and caregivers to know what milestones your child should be achieving, and when. Not only does this give you a glimpse at the exciting new abilities your child will soon have, but it also lets you know if your child needs extra support to empower them to be the very best they can be. 


Learn More About Your Child’s Development

Check out the links below to learn more about the developmental skills your child will gain from birth through age five. 

First Year Milestones

Your baby’s development from birth to 12 months old.

Second Year Milestones

Your toddler’s development from 15 months to 24 months old.

Third Year Milestones

Your toddler’s development from 30 months to 3 years old.

Fourth Year Milestones

Your child’s development by 4 years old.

Fifth Year Milestones

Your child’s development by 5 years old.

“Every day your child is growing and learning more about the world.”

Developmental Skills Explained

Developmental milestones are the achievements and skills a child will gain as they grow. While every child is different, most will achieve their developmental skills around the same age as their peers. These skills are crucial for their overall growth, education, and wellbeing in life:

Speech & Language Skills

Your child’s ability to communicate with others depends on their speech and language skills. This includes not only the ability to say and use words, but also the ability to understand others and even nonverbal communication. Speech and language therapy can help children gain these vital skills.

Cognitive Skills

Your child’s ability to learn and handle new situations depends on their cognitive skills. This includes the ability to remember information, solve problems, and focus on the task at hand. Occupational therapy can help children who struggle with these skills.

Movement Skills

Your child’s ability to play and explore depends on their physical development and movement skills. This includes big movements like crawling or walking and little movements like coloring or buttoning clothes. Physical therapy can help your child master the big movements, and occupational therapy can help them master the small movements. 

Social & Emotional Skills

Your child’s ability to make friends and handle tough situations depends on their social and emotional skills. This includes playing well with others, managing their feelings, and caring about others. Occupational therapy can help children better understand and use these important skills. 

Feeding Skills

Your child’s ability to develop all the skills listed above depends on getting the nutrients their growing body needs to be healthy. Their feeding skills include latching to the breast or bottle, self-feeding with their hands or utensils, and enjoying a variety of nutritious foods. Feeding therapy can help children master the oral motor skills they need for effective feeding. 


How to Help Your Child Reach Their Milestones

There are many things you can do at home with your child to help them achieve their developmental milestones and be the very best they can be!

1. Provide a stimulating environment.

Children love to play and explore, and even infants are curious about what’s going on around them. Present age-appropriate toys that encourage your child to look, reach, move, and touch.

4. Meet other families in your neighborhood.

Playdates with other children not only let you socialize with other parents but also give your child a chance to build key social skills. By playing with their peers, your child can learn about sharing, empathy, and have tons of fun growing with friends.

5. Show, don’t tell.

Children learn a lot by mimicking what the people around them do. So if you want your child to be active, be active yourself! If you want them to eat nutritious foods, eat them, too! Your child is looking to you to learn more about the world, so make sure you are modeling the behavior you want to see in them.

2. Provide a stimulating environment.

Children love to play and explore, and even infants are curious about what’s going on around them. Present age-appropriate toys that encourage your child to look, reach, move, and touch.

3. Get up and play.

Physical activity can be fun for the whole family and helps your child practice moving their little body. Play outside, go for walks, build together with blocks, and encourage them to explore.

What to Do if Your Child Is Struggling to Achieve Their Milestones

Every child develops at their own pace, and it’s normal for some variation even between siblings in the same home. But if your child is consistently falling behind their peers, or if you’re worried about their development, Metro Therapy is here to help. Early intervention can make a world of difference in your child’s overall growth and wellbeing. By recognizing and addressing potential delays early on, you can give your child the support they need for lifelong success. 

We offer a free screening to assess your child’s developmental skills and create a customized therapy plan to empower their growth. Give us a call at (763) 450-9400 to schedule your free screening today and let our dedicated team of pediatric experts help your child be the very best they can be.