How Pediatric Occupational Therapy Can Improve Attention

Short attention spans are common in kids of all ages, and while they may outgrow some behaviors as they get older, there can be underlying social or emotional issues that need to be addressed. One way to help children focus is through pediatric occupational therapy. This is an effective approach that helps children develop the necessary skills to improve their attention span such as better self-regulation, cognitive, self-awareness and social skills. Not only can this help them do better in school, but it can make it easier for your child to participate in daily activities at home, as well.

What is Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

Pediatric occupational therapy focuses on helping children with developmental or physical disabilities learn to participate in their own self-care. Occupational therapists work closely with children and their families to identify any challenges or barriers that may be present in their lives and develop strategies to overcome them. These strategies can include sensory integration techniques and cognitive principles to improve their attention span. The exact steps of your child’s treatment plan will depend on their unique needs, which our therapists will determine during their assessment and sessions.

Trouble Paying Attention Can Impact Children at Home and in School

Difficulty paying attention can significantly affect children both at home and in school. In the classroom, being unable to focus can result in poor academic performance, difficulty understanding and retaining information, and even difficulty making friends. This can lead to a decline in grades and confidence.

At home, trouble paying attention can affect a child's relationships with their family and ability to complete household tasks. They may struggle to follow routines and directions, causing frustration and stress for both the child and their parents.

Parents don’t always know what to do to help their child, which is where occupational therapy comes in. Consistent therapy can ensure a child receives the support they need to succeed both academically and socially.

How Pediatric Occupational Therapy Improves Attention Span

Pediatric occupational therapy is a comprehensive approach to help children develop and improve their sensory, cognitive, and motor skills. A big part of cognitive skill is being able to focus on a task long enough to complete it. Children who struggle with attention span often find it difficult to complete their homework, handle their chores, take care of their hygiene, and follow directions. Occupational therapy teaches children the skills they need to complete daily tasks, and the ability to maintain attention is a big part of that necessary skill set.

Strategies Occupational Therapists Use to Improve Attention

Occupational therapists use a variety of strategies to help children improve their attention, such as:

  • Using visual aids to guide children to focus on a task

  • Doing sensory-based activities to improve their ability to regulate distracting sensory input

  • Teaching children how to break down complex directions or activities into smaller, more manageable steps

  • Doing activities that teach impulse control and develop problem solving skills

  • Games that involve paying attention to things in the environment, such as memory or Simon Says

Benefits of Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Improved Attention Span

Pediatric occupational therapy is a highly beneficial treatment for improving attention span in children. By targeting specific sensory, cognitive, and motor areas, occupational therapists work to enhance a child's overall functioning in daily activities. A tailored therapy plan can improve a child's concentration, leading to:

  • Higher chances of academic success

  • Increased ability to make friends

  • Better self-regulation skills

  • Confidence in completing daily tasks

  • Ability to handle chores and multi-step directions

  • Increased independence

Through play-based interventions and parent education, pediatric occupational therapy aims to equip children with the foundational skills necessary to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

Schedule Your Free Screening

Children must have a good attention span in order to be successful both at home and in school. Pediatric occupational therapy can help improve children's attention span by providing them with better self-regulation, cognitive, and emotional skills. This can greatly improve a child’s ability to focus and give them the tools they need for increased independence, be productive with homework, or participate in extracurricular activities. If you’re worried about your child’s attention span, call us at (763) 450-9400 to schedule a free pediatric therapy screening. We’ll help your child start their journey to reaching their full potential.


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