How OT Builds a Foundation of Learning for Your Child

Hi, I'm Evie, and I'm an occupational therapist at Metro Therapy Special Children's Clinic in Fridley, Minnesota. And today I want to talk to you about the progression of learning in your child's occupational therapy treatment.

Foundational Skills versus Higher Level Skills in Occupational Therapy

A lot of children attend occupational therapy to work on multiple different areas of need. And when this happens, it's important to start with what's called foundational skills. Think of therapy kind of like a pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid has to be wide enough to support the top of the pyramid so that it doesn't fall down. Therapy is the exact same way.

Many times, the outcome that families are looking for in therapy is what we call those higher level skills. That would be the top of the pyramid, and those are things like emotional regulation, fine motor skills, and self-care skills. But in order to build the top of the pyramid, you have to start with a really solid base in therapy.

The Anatomy of Building Foundational Skills

Everything builds from the central nervous system, which is made up of your brain and your spinal cord. The central nervous system is important for sending messages throughout your child's whole body. It is also how your child can receive and process sensory information from their sensory systems (like touch, sight, and sound).

The central nervous system and sensory systems work together to provide information to your child’s brain that can help them build essential skills like:

  • Body awareness

  • Posture

  • Reflexes

  • Focus and attention

  • Behavioral regulation

  • Emotional regulation

This is why we have to start with foundational skills and build up to the more complex skills at the top of that therapy pyramid.

Call Metro Therapy for a Consultation

If you have questions about the pyramid of learning or how occupational therapy can help your child get to the top of that pyramid, I encourage you to give us a call here at Metro Therapy. You can reach us at (763) 415-7795 to request a free consultation, and we’ll be happy to help.


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